Dunlop SX 300
- Price: $219
- Head Size: 100 sq. in.
- Length: 27 in.
- Weight: 11.2 oz.
- Balance: 4 pts. HL
- Swingweight: 315
- RA Rating: 69
- Beam Width: 23 mm / 26 mm / 23 mm
- String Pattern: 16×19
What’s New
For this latest SX 300, the diameter of the Spin Boost XT grommets in the throat have been increased by 58%. This increases movement of the main strings at contact which helps put more spin on the ball, as well as making for a more forgiving string bed, effectively enlarging the sweet spot. The frame stiffness has been elevated to make a more stable hitting platform for increased speed, spin and predictability. Additionally, the mold has been widened to help prevent twisting. Vibroshield, a highly elastic vibration dampening positioned at the 3 and 9 o’clock and the throat, lowers shock and raises comfort.
What Works
The Dunlop SX franchise is all about spin. It may not carry the same reputation as the Babolat Pure Aero or Head Extreme, but it’s every bit as capable for the assignment. The third generation of the SX 300—the flagship model of the line—is the most accomplished yet.
When spin is the prime directive, a spread string pattern is practically a prerequisite. The 300 has always had plenty of space in its 16×19 configuration, and this latest version accentuates its string movement with wider grommets in the throat. This pairs with the uniquely angled grommets at the top of the hoop that encourage the strings to move in a particular direction. Now the strings can move even more freely before snapping back into place.