![250311 The GP Magnum slip on in satin stainless [678]](https://motorsportsnewswire.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/250311-The-GP-Magnum-slip-on-in-satin-stainless-678.jpg)
CHINO, CA – March 11, 2025 – (Motor Sports NewsWire) – A 398cc retro water cooled Triumph? Yes please! For some time now we have been waiting to get our hands on the Scrambler/Speed 400 and we are so thrilled to have an offering now.
Our GP Magnum slip-on looks just perfect on the Scrambler 400. A weight savings of as much as 3 Lbs. is one thing, but the performance is another with a 2.08% increase of HP at 8000 rpm and a 3.8% increase in torque @ 6,300 rpm just nails it.
Now the Triumph Scrambler/Speed 400 sounds proper! The GP Magnum comes out of the box with a sound insert, but can be easily removed for a more aggressive tone.
Available in satin stainless steel or titanium with blued effects.
The GP Magnum slip on in satin stainless looks stunning!
The GP Magnum slip-on in titanium blue has a very distinctive elegant look.
Power gains with the GP Magnum for the Triumph Scrambler 400.
2024-25 Triumph Scrambler/Speed 400 GP Magnum Street Series pricing and Info
2024-25 Triumph Scrambler/Speed 400 GP Magnum Street Series SO SS/TI/SS
Part #180C-674A5U80B
MSRP: $529.00
Hi-res images available here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/t9vlrkmbl57phascsb3al/AHtv_ZnWGLLjs-lj4c20C_8?rlkey=7tt8ino5zaovx3ffeehwcmg6f&st=q7y1mzli&dl=0
Stock system: 7.5 lbs.
Yoshimura GP Magnum Slip-on titanium: 4.4 lbs.
2024-25 Triumph Scrambler/Speed 400 GP Magnum Street Series SO SS/SS/SS
Part #180C-674A5U30
MSRP: $459.00
Hi-res images available here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/w39zm55749to0a2qtangc/AAiHKkeVgg4SpKJKKMyrA-c?rlkey=dkw1ze9np16f75f8odxxof4lj&st=a4qqxdxo&dl=0
Stock system:7.5 lbs.
Yoshimura GP Magnum Slip-on stainless steel: 4.9 lbs.
Sound levels:
(Using J2825 standards) w/o insert.
2000 rpm
Stock: 84.8dB
GP Magnum: 87.4dB
5000 rpm
Stock: 89.2 dB
GP Magnum: 91.7 dB
About Yoshimura
Yoshimura is renowned for its Research and Development. But producing the finest exhaust systems in the world requires more than a big R&D department. Yoshimura is the leading manufacturer of exhaust systems because our commitment to R&D is matched by our dedication to uncompromising quality standards and our expertise in manufacturing pipes that meet those standards.
Source: Yoshimura Research and Development of America