“I’m a bit surprised with myself, with the results,” he told me. “I would have definitely signed before the season started to be playing like this. The good thing is that I’m staying very consistent. If I’m playing guys who are ranked a bit higher or lower than me, I always manage to win. It’s more the top guys I’m losing to at this stage. But that’s great because it means the basic level is really high at this point. We’re obviously trying to upgrade the level to start beating those top guys as well.”
The busy schedule has naturally afforded him less and less time to devote to TikTok, the platform on which he long performed above his on-court ranking.
“We definitely saw [TikTok] as an opportunity to share the life we’re having, what it’s like to be a tennis player, everything around,” he told me back in Rome.
With his blue eyes and floppy blonde hair, Bergs could easily pass for a Gen Z social media star embracing a tenniscore aesthetic. Amassing nearly 75,000 followers, his light-hearted, innuendo-heavy videos regularly clocked in six-figure view counts.
One video, dedicated to smelling a fresh can of tennis balls, currently has over two million views: